4711, administrationMülhens 4711, earlier "Anna-Farina", started in 1874 a local branch of the major production in the Glockengasse. In 20th century occasionally 1300 workers were employed in the Vogelsanger Str. 100. In the air the smell of Kölnisch Wasser mixed with that of chocalate, which was produced in the near factory Kwatta, which was builded in 1921. The tram, which took the employers to work, got the name "Tosca" by local custom, after a product of "4711".Meanwhile, since the 90's, the production has wandered to Bickendorf, another place in the Ehrenfeld destrict, now with ca. 900 workers, and the original founder family has left the business. The old 4711 buildings with about 40.000 qm were refurbished and used as the Barthonia-Form, still presenting as a memorial the colors of 4711, gold and turquoise. German Links |