Albert Richter, bicycle racer in (Cologne) or Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing
Tarot and Trionfi in Cologne
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Albert Richter, bicycle racer
Albert Richter (* 14th of Okcober 1912 in Köln-Ehrenfeld; + 2nd of January 1940 in Lörrach) got
the title of World champion for amateur bicycle racing in 1932, as it had reached before him the Cologne
sprinter Matthias Engel in 1927. Richter changed to the professionals and inspired the Ehrenfelder with his successes.
However, Richter was critical against the regime of the Nazis. At 31st of Dezember he
tried to smuggle some money for a jewish friend and was charged. 2 days later he was dead with the explanation,
that he died
from suicide by hanging, but it was observed by a relative, that he had bloody holes at his body.
A new builded cycling track was named after him (Albert-Richter-Rennbahn).
A memorial plaque you can find at the old Rheinlandhalle, the place of his old successes nearby to a big shop with bicycles.
German Links:
Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing in Cologne Ehrenfeld
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keywords: Köln-Ehrenfeld, Engagement, Stadtteil, Veedel, Viertel, Stadtviertel, Stadtbezirk, Attraktion, Monument, eyecatcher, Blickfang, Wahrzeichen, Lokalgröße,
city destrict, attraction, quarter, monument