Colonius, TV-Tower in (Cologne) or Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing
Tarot and Trionfi in Cologne
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Colonius, TV-Tower
The Colonius was built in 1981, and by an enlarging exchange of the pinnacle in the 90's it reached a height of 266
meters. With this it's the highest TV tower in NRW.
In 166 meters there is a 3-storey-construction, from which one level was established once as cafeteria with restaurant,
reachable by elevator.
Unluckily there is no leaseholder since 1994.
Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing in Cologne Ehrenfeld
, produced by "Engagiert in Ehrenfeld, Ehrenfeld Webdesign und
keywords: Köln-Ehrenfeld, Engagement, Stadtteil, Veedel, Viertel, Stadtviertel, Stadtbezirk, Attraktion, Monument, eyecatcher, Blickfang, Wahrzeichen, Lokalgröße,
city destrict, attraction, quarter, monument