Lansstrasse, houses of workers in (Cologne) or Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing
Tarot and Trionfi in Cologne
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Lansstrasse, houses of workers
Landmarked houses for workers in the Lansstr. near to the Taku-Platz, "em Chinese-Veedel". Captain Lans, who
gave the
name to the street, once did lead the attack of the German marine against the Taku-Fort in China.
When the houses were build in 1913, the streets got names related to this event and the old Cologne tongue
("Kölsch"), called the quartier
(in Kölsch "Veedel") the "Chinese-Veedel", although Chinese people didn't live there.
The houses were build in 1913 by the Arbeiter-Wohnungsgenossenschaft, nowadays they still belong to the gemeinnützige
Wohnungsgenossenschaft Ehrenfeld e.G., which followed in the rights of the Arbeiter-Wohnungsgenossenschaft.
Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing in Cologne Ehrenfeld
, produced by "Engagiert in Ehrenfeld, Ehrenfeld Webdesign und
keywords: Köln-Ehrenfeld, Engagement, Stadtteil, Veedel, Viertel, Stadtviertel, Stadtbezirk, Attraktion, Monument, eyecatcher, Blickfang, Wahrzeichen, Lokalgröße,
city destrict, attraction, quarter, monument