in (Cologne) or Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing
Tarot and Trionfi in Cologne
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
The Neptunbad was built in the art-nouveaux-style in 1912 by the Königlich-Preußischen Baurat Kleefisch as publish
swimming bath at ca. 5000 qm for sauna, swimming and relaxation. It got the state as a memorial in 1986, but had to
be closed in 1994 cause of missing resources for a renovation. Finally it was sold to the Claudius Therme GmbH & Co. KG,
which after a complete restauration reopened it in 2002 as Health Club & Spa.
The old 13-meter-high and with gold covered bathing hall was modified to a fitness-room, the sauna offers also Japanese bathing.
German Links
Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing in Cologne Ehrenfeld
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keywords: Köln-Ehrenfeld, Engagement, Stadtteil, Veedel, Viertel, Stadtviertel, Stadtbezirk, Attraktion, Monument, eyecatcher, Blickfang, Wahrzeichen, Lokalgröße,
city destrict, attraction, quarter, monument