Shield of Ehrenfeld in (Cologne) or Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing
Tarot and Trionfi in Cologne
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Engagiert in Ehrenfeld
Shield of Ehrenfeld
The Ehrenfelder city heraldic shows a socalled "Kammrad", a wooden gear wheel filled with wooden pins chosen
at the foundation as a city 1875/79 to demonstrate the dominant connection between the railroad-city Ehrenfeld and industry.
German Links
- Wikipedia to Kammrad
Köln-Ehrenfeld: Sightseeing in Cologne Ehrenfeld
, produced by "Engagiert in Ehrenfeld, Ehrenfeld Webdesign und
keywords: Köln-Ehrenfeld, Engagement, Stadtteil, Veedel, Viertel, Stadtviertel, Stadtbezirk, Attraktion, Monument, eyecatcher, Blickfang, Wahrzeichen, Lokalgröße,
city destrict, attraction, quarter, monument